Maison Broussaud, certified know-how
Since 1938, Maison Broussaud has passed down the passion and know-how of knitting from generation to generation. The House is committed to preserving this know-how and keeping all of its production in France, in a small village in the heart of Limousin. An expertise now recognized by several prestigious labels, guarantees of quality and testimony to our commitments.
"Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant"
"Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" (EPV) label is a State label set up to distinguish French companies with rare and exceptional know-how. A real recognition for the entire team of Maison Broussaud which cultivates on a daily basis the French know-how that we have passed down for 3 generations.
This label means that the labeled company has rare know-how. At Maison Broussaud, we train our employees internally in specific professions which are not accessible in traditional apprenticeship and training courses.
Obtaining the EPV label also attests to our commitment to maintaining local know-how, since being established for a long time in the same geographical territory is one of the many award criteria. In fact, for 85 years, we have never relocated our workshops.
Aimed at all companies that have excellent know-how combining tradition and innovation, this label testifies both to the preservation of traditional know-how and to our constant search for technical innovations.

Historic and family factory
since 1938
True to our values, we have been able, over the years, to expand and modernize our production site without ever leaving our small village in the heart of France, Les Cars, located a few kilometers from Limoges in Limousin. Proud of our roots, we are happy to contribute to maintaining this know-how in our territory, with French production recognized by the Origine France Garantie label.
Origin France Guaranteed
Faithful to “Made in France” since its creation, La Maison Broussaud has chosen to opt for more transparency and obtain the only official recognition proof of the French manufacture of a product: the Origine France certification guarantee. All our socks are entirely knitted and manufactured in our own workshops in France.
To remain consistent with our commitments and support French industry, we also favor the short circuit for all our suppliers and service providers. So all our packaging is made in our region, Le Limousin. For the choice of our raw materials, we try as much as possible to turn to European countries.

Our raw materials
origin France and Europe
1. Cotton: Portugal
2. Polyamide/elastane: France
3. Recycled cotton from our waste: France
4. Packaging: France
5. Wool: Italy
6. Polyamide: Italy
7. Metallic cotton/polyester & wool/silk: Italy
8. Wool: Austria

Oeko-tex labeled socks
Our raw materials meet the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 standards, guaranteeing the chemical safety of our socks for your skin. We rigorously select all our spinners according to certain demanding criteria, so that 100% of our yarns meet strict quality guarantees. This label is the assurance that all the yarns used to knit your Maison Broussaud socks are safe for your health.

Reasoned production
Reducing our waste is a priority. Since we are a manufacturing brand, we have full control of our stock and our production, which gives us the possibility of producing in small quantities and on demand. There is therefore no overproduction. In addition, our sock waste is recycled as soon as possible by a French spinner in order to reconstitute new yarn, which is then used to manufacture new socks. Finally, when we think about a new collection, we try to use as much as possible the colors of thread that we already have in stock so as not to throw them away.