Fashion Revolution Week: Maison Broussaud is committed to fairer fashion
Fashion Revolution Week: Maison Broussaud is committed to fairer fashion

Fashion Revolution Week: Maison Broussaud is committed to fairer fashion

From Monday April 15 to Wednesday April 24, 2024, Fashion Revolution Week will be held, a global week of activism in favor of fairer and more responsible fashion. This initiative, born in 2013 following the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, encourages consumers to think about the impact of their clothing choices and to demand greater transparency from brands on the manufacturing origin of their textiles. Maison Broussaud, proud of its commitment to its employees and the environment, lends its full support to this awareness week.

The tragic origins of the Fashion Revolution movement 

Fashion Revolution Week is a global movement initiated in 2013, following the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh on April 24, 2013. The tragedy, which killed 1,134 people and injured more than 2 500, revealed to the world the harsh realities of working conditions in the fashion industry. Founded by fashion designers and activists Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro, Fashion Revolution Week is an annual event that highlights the deplorable working conditions in certain factories and encourages consumers to demand change.

Fashion Revolution Week: a week of action and awareness

More than a communication campaign, Fashion Revolution Week is a concentrate of actions with awareness-raising workshops, conferences on ethical practices, documentary screenings and exhibitions which reveal the often hidden underbelly of the textile industry. Consumers are encouraged to voice their concerns and demand greater transparency from brands. The international organization Fashion Revolution mobilizes citizen power for a textile industry that is more respectful of the planet and its inhabitants. With a presence in more than 96 countries, the Fashion Revolution encourages collective action for a lasting turning point in the world of fashion.

Maison Broussaud's commitment to a more respectful textile industry

Created in 1938, Maison Broussaud has been committed for 3 generations to perpetuating its know-how in a family factory on a human scale in the heart of Limousin, to not relocating its workshops, to acting for the well-being of its employees and to minimize its environmental impact. The company is labeled Origine France Garantie, this label ensuring that all of its production stages are in France. Choosing made in France means choosing fair and equitable working conditions, decent wages, reasonable working hours... Maison Broussaud is proud to maintain transparent local production in a factory that it is possible to visit. The company aligns with the values ​​of Fashion Revolution and is committed to producing quality socks in working conditions that respect people and the environment.

Maison Broussaud team know-how

The Maison Broussaud team

Fashion Revolution: acting together for fairer fashion

Fashion Revolution Week allows consumers to actively participate in the creation of a more responsible textile industry. By joining forces as informed consumers and supporting committed brands, we can envision more ethical and sustainable fashion. To contribute to this, Maison Broussaud invites its customers and all consumers to find out about the manufacturing origins of the clothing they purchase, favor brands engaged in a responsible approach as much as possible, reduce their overall consumption and purchase quality products. quality that will last over time. Fashion Revolution Week is an opportunity for everyone to question their consumption and think about the future of fashion. Together we can make a difference!